Our Staff

Thomas landscape

Dr. Thomas Magers II

Senior Pastor

Dr. Magers has pastored churches in Tiplersville, Pleasant Ridge, and Corinth before coming to Ingomar. Most recently, he served as Asst. Professor at Blue Mountain Christian University.

Dr. Magers graduated from Blue Mountain Christian University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Studies. His graduate degrees include the Master of Divinity (Expository Preaching), the Master of Theology, and the Doctor of Philosophy (Biblical Exposition; Minor: New Testament) degrees from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

He is married to his High School sweetheart, Amanda Johnson Magers from Nettleton. Their three children are Thomas Aaron, Aryana, and Titus.

Bro. Thomas is an amateur photographer and a hobbyist beekeeper.


Phil Nanney

Minister of Music

A native of Baldwyn, MS, Phil graduated with honors from Baldwyn High School and attended the University of Mississippi where he received a Bachelor of Music in Instrumental Music Education. He taught in several area schools before entering the business world.

Phil has served several local churches as interim music minister as well as a 10 year ministry in music and administration at First Baptist Church, New Albany. He has recently completed his eighteenth year as music minister at Ingomar Baptist Church.


Sandy Dixon

Ministry Assistant

Born and raised in Ingomar, and a graduate of Ingomar High School, Sandy has attended IBC most of her life. She has served as Ministry Assistant since 2003, and is married to Buddy Dixon. They have two children, Amber and Ben.

Marci Lindsey

Ministry Assistant of Children and Church Communication

Marci Lindsey graduated from Blue Mountain High School and later attended Northeast Community College. Though she felt a calling to ministry from a young age, she spent 16 years working as a paraoptometric at two local clinics. Over time, however, the Lord redirected her path, and she embraced her passion for serving in children’s and youth ministry.
Marci is married to Joey Lindsey, and together they have two children, Ben and Joshua.